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COVID-19 Essential Operations - Victoria 7 Day Circuit Breaker Lockdown
COVID-19 Essential Operations - Victoria 7 Day Circuit Breaker Lockdown
Velocity Truck Centres 28th May 2021 Tags:

Daimler Trucks Dandenong, as an essential service provider, understands the responsibility we all have to respond appropriately to COVID-19. We are taking our responsibility seriously and due to the nature of the 7 Day Circuit Breaker Lockdown, we are unable to conduct a 'business-as-usual' approach.

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We have implemented these measures to not only protect our staff, but also to protect our customers and our community, so thank you to our customers for observing these changes. If you have any questions, please give us a call on 1300 244 744. Even though our usual processes may look and feel different, the quality of your service experience with us at Daimler Trucks Dandenong will remain unchanged.

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